John Schwary
His resume included using heroin, alcohol and other drugs for nearly 40 years. The only breaks in his addiction came when he was locked up. He spent some sixteen years in various prisons and jails - including a year in a mental institution. He finally figured out in his early fifties that his problem was substance abuse. And, after losing a job and becoming homeless once again he made a commitment to change.
After 11 days of detoxification, John found a recovery home near downtown Mesa that would accept him without money.
TLC Treatment Center traces its beginnings to January 13, 1991 when founder and current CEO John Schwary entered a detox in Mesa, Arizona. He had the clothes on his back and 73 cents in his pocket.
After a few months, he began volunteering at that program
while working an outside job.
During his year there he decided to start his own recovery program. He made many phone calls trying to find someone who would sell or lease him property without money or credit. His persistence paid off when a man sold him three beat up houses on one lot for no money down and no interest.
TLC incorporated January 9, 1992, and opened its doors for clients March 15, 1992.